The Great Peacemakers
Paintings, Prose, and Videos by Steve Simon
The Great Peacemakers includes 34 historical figures who helped bend the arc of the moral universe toward peace.
From lesser-known figures like The Great Peacemaker of the Iroquois…

…to household figures like The Dalai Lama, artist Steve Simon dedicated seven years to researching these luminaries to understand how each advanced the cause of peace and well-being.
His research has inspired the paintings in this art collection as well as informing his writings, video productions, and presentations. Together, all elements of this body of work are designed to educate, entertain, and inspire.

A 36-piece banner exhibit of the collection is now available. A 30-minute audio tour guides visitors through the exhibit.
I am interested in...
Hosting an Exhibit
Host a banner exhibit at your school, gallery, or public place.
Purchasing Art
Purchase reproductions or inquire about availability of original art.
Collaborate with Steve to create new and exciting educational materials.
Book Steve to present at your institution or as a guest on your podcast.
The Great Peacemakers Collection